The True Meaning of a Poised Life!

It has been said, living a poised life is to carry yourself with unwavering balance.  Not everyone lives a perfectly balanced life. A poised life is embodied in one who is composed, dignified, and self-assured, and does not waver from the truth. 

I met an angelic soul once whose life demonstrated the true meaning of a poised life. The fruit of the spirit was her virtue. Ever since then I’ve been craving her character. Her gentle voice was evidence of her kindness. She listened with compassion. Her hands were ready for generosity, and her heart was filled with immeasurable love. When she was silent, it affirmed her trust in the Lord.  Her character shined the brightest when she sincerely prayed for those who did not like her.

I’m so grateful to have known her, this woman who left a great mark on me. What was so greatly noticeable about her was that her focus wasn’t on how others lived their lives or what they believed, rather, she was more focused how she lived.


Her genuine demeanor and her boundless love confirmed that what centered her life was her trust in the Lord.  It was evident to all that she lived for the audience of One — God alone.  As I watched her, a seed was being planted in my heart. Ever since then, I have desired to live a life that is God-centered. I learned some lessons from the way her life was filled with the Fruit of the Spirit. 

One of the essential lessons I learned was to be patient with others, regardless of what they may think of the way you follow God’s calling on your life. You may live a life that is obedient to God, but still others judge you by pointing out, “How come your loved ones are not following your footsteps?” Don’t let that discourage you. God knows how to reach your loved ones in His time. 

It’s important to remember that we’re all standing at different places in our lives. It doesn’t matter how slow some people, including your children, are growing in their path of life. You can’t force someone else to walk your walk as God’s plan and purpose is different for each of us. It’s about His timing, not ours.  Let’s be merciful to others and patient, not so quick to judge. More importantly, never cease to pray for them, asking God to allow you to see everyone, including yourself, through His perspective. Let us live a life that exemplifies poise. 

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