There Is One Gift Waiting For You!

Since God is love, He loves all people. Romans 2:11 says, “God does not show favoritism.” For that reason, Christmas is not only for Christians. It is for everyone in the world.

My prayer for you this Christmas is:
May this Christmas bring you the true joy that you have searching for. May you open the one gift from God which he has lovingly prepared for you since the beginning of time. May you receive the answers to all your prayers at this joyful time of the year. And may you be filled with the bread of life and may the living water overflow within you through this precious gift of life. Amen!
~ Desiring Light


Triple Dose Of Divinity! How Can God Be Three In One? Part Two!

It is a very hard concept for anyone to imagine how God can be three in one. We may not fully grasp everything God reveals about Himself, but He gives us abilities which, if we are willing, can propel us towards the truth of who he is. The Bible and most other religions tell us there is one God. It is fascinating to begin to understand the existence of the Trinity, a triple dose of divinity. 
My study of scripture challenged me intellectually to learn the nature of my savior, Jesus and to discover why he is called the Son of God. I compared verses from each book of the Bible (the Bible contains 66 books in total; 39 in the Old Testament – before Christ, and 27 in the New Testament – after Christ) along with outside research, and all were in agreement concerning the Son of God. Some skeptics say, “Oh well, the Bible is written by 40 different people. How can it be true?” Yes, the bible was written by 40 authors from all walks of life over a period of 1,500 years, in three different languages – Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Yet, it ALWAYS is consistent. The same stories, starting with Adam, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph in the Old Testament, to the times during and after Christ was born, never ever change or contradict themselves. It’s amazing that many of the writers didn’t even knew each other, yet they wrote the same words and proclaimed the same truths. How incredible is that? That is why the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth has never changed over the past 2,000 years.


Why did God sent Jesus to earth? What will His birth, life, death, and resurrection cause us to do? Did God send Jesus to erase the law of Moses? Did He come to condemn us? It is written in the gospels that God sent Jesus to complete the law, to redeem us from sin and to teach us the truth. Jesus taught people about God’s Kingdom, a government in heaven which will ultimately bring peace to all mankind. Oh, how badly we’re in need of that kind of government on earth right now, are we not?!

We can’t see God face to face, but there is plenty of evidence around us, pointing us to the reality that God exists. The beautiful world that surrounds us, the birth of a child, our bodies, and the love we have for each other are the affirmation of God’s love for us.

We all know the drill, how we were conceived and born. Based on biblical evidence and other religious and historical writings – God did something miraculously different over 2,000 years ago. A happening that human minds can’t comprehend, one of the greatest events to occur in the history of the universe – the birth of Christ.

The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Since God is pure light and Holy, we can’t begin to reach to His holiness without a bridge between himself and us. So He sent His Spirit over a young girl about the age of 16, a virgin named Mary (she is called Mariam in other languages).
Because of her purity, God chose Mary to be the mother of the Messiah. She became pregnant by the Spirit, with no physical contact. I can’t imagine how shocked and surprised she must have been when an angel appeared to her and told her the news. I can’t fathom what was going through her mind. But she loved the Lord God with all her heart and obeyed His command. And she gave birth to a son, Jesus, whose name was chosen by God. So if Jesus is born of God’s Spirit, than He is definitely part of God, right?

Here is the story of His birth written in (Matthew 1:18-25) “When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived (procreated) in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME EMMANUEL,” which translated means, “GOD WITH US.” And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.”

Angels announced His birth to some local shepherds. The angels led them to the place that Christ was born. Read (Luke 2:8-12)

Later, in the gospel of Matthew, there is additional evidence that Jesus is the son of God. When Jesus was about 30 years old, he was baptized, After being baptized, Jesus immediately came up from the water; and look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw God’s spirit descending like a dove and coming upon him. Look! Also, a voice from the heavens said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.” (Matthew 3:16-17) Then Jesus began the work that God had sent him to do.

God provided a WAY for us to come close to Him so that we might become the true children of God. Jesus is the WAY for our life. He is the WORD of God. God sent His WORD (His beloved son) to teach us how to live righteously.

(John 14:6)
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Some of us may believe that we’re without sin and think of ourselves as godly people, just like the man who disagreed with my friend on the subject in my previous post, We all fall short of God’s glory on a daily basis – sometimes just by looking or talking to someone with a wrong motive in our hearts or by judging them. We might call this a mistake or an opinion but the Bible calls it sin. It’s written, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

When we acknowledge that Jesus is the “WORD” of God in flesh and born of the Spirit of God, then He (Jesus) must be part of Him (God). No argument! The Spirit of God, the “Holy Spirit” is dwelling in Him. As we believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him, the same spirit that dwells in Him will be dwelling in us. It is now clear to me that the Trinity is three is in one – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Someone has said it this way: “If try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind, but if you deny it you will lose your soul.”

Here’s another explanation using math to explain the Trinity: It would not be 1+1+1=3. It would be 1x1x1=3. Here is another simple picture of the concept of “three in one” – An egg has three parts the white, the yolk, and the skin.

How does the Holy Spirit will fit into all this? If Jesus is the bridge between us and God, how does He communicate with us?
God is Triune God. Just as they are one, they also have specific roles.

Charles Stanley explained how each member of the Trinity fulfills His specific role, revealing how the three roles interrelate. He expressed this idea in simple terms: the Father creates a plan, Jesus Christ implements the plan, and the Holy Spirit administers the plan. Let’s look at an even simpler way of understanding the Trinity. Some of us might be identical to someone else, even sounding and behaving like this person, but still we cannot be the same person. We’re all distinctly different. But with God there is no limitation. He is Spirit. Our mind cannot fathom His majestic power.
As God’s spirit dwells in Jesus, He sends the Holy Spirit to whoever believes in Him, guiding them in their ways. And that’s how we hear the Lord speak to us in our hearts.

So now we see what God has done through Jesus’ birth. He did the impossible, something which many may find hard to believe. Maybe because of their upbringing, they haven’t totally grasped God’s love for them. Or perhaps they’ve been following God from a distance and are afraid to come closer.

As I studied, I discovered that not only Christians but followers of other religions also agree that Jesus is the Messiah. If we believe that he is the Messiah, then he is the Word of God in human flesh.
He is co-eternal and has existed forever. That is why he is the one who is coming again.” http:/

John 1:1 says; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

For me, His birth was the one the confirmation that He is who He claims to be.

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”—a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).

Now here is the question for you. Do you have any questions for God? What are you waiting for? Why don’t you ask Him? In some cultures, they say it a sin to ask God questions – to do so is to doubt His authority. They believe that you must obey Him without any questions. How can you live in obedience when you don’t know how to live a life free from bondage? I am thankful I can ask Him what I don’t know, instead of being a prisoner of darkness, too scared to ask questions. God can handle any of your bold and difficult questions. In fact, He loves hearing from you. He is waiting for you right now. He is listening, talk to Him.

How Can God Be Three In One? Trinity – Part One!

At the beginning of my faith journey, one of the most difficult subjects for me to understand was the doctrine of the Trinity (three in one). Right at the top of my list of questions was, “How can God be three in one?” Our minds can’t comprehend God’s existence. God is greater than our ability to understand the vastness of his power. We believe there is one God who is the creator of all things and He controls the whole universe. He is eternal, unchangeable, loving, just, right, holy, and has infinite power. And that is the absolute truth!

I searched the meaning of the word, “Trinity” and discovered that “Tri” means three, and “Unity” means One. Tri+Unity = Trinity. Three in one.


Why do we presume only certain things from God? And why do we not stop for a moment and think of the verse where Jesus said, “God can do things that are not possible for people.” ( Luke 18:27)
I love Natalie Grant’s song, “The King of the World”. The lyrics describe how most of us think of God.

“I tried to fit you in the walls inside my mind,
I try to keep you safely in between the lines,
I try to put you in the box that I’ve designed,
I try to pull you down so we are eye to eye…..
How could I make you so small
When you’re the one who holds it all….”

We can’t put God in a box and sit Him on the top shelf and expect Him to do whatever our little minds devise. Why don’t we grasp that God can do anything He desires? Nothing is impossible for Him. He is everywhere as Spirit and Light in you, me, and others. Who are we to say, “Oh no, God won’t do this or that.” Why not? After all, He is God and we are not. It is beyond our knowledge, to understand God’s mysterious work. We don’t need to have an answer for everything in order for us to believe in Him. All He wants us to do is to live by faith, to trust Him with all our hearts.

There are many things that we see right before our eyes that, although we don’t completely understand them, we trust them to do what they are designed to do. Take, for instance, my cell phone. I have no idea how it’s made, but I expect it to work and I know it serves many purposes. Likewise, we may not know how airplanes are made, but we rely on them to get us to our next destination. It’s the same with God, We’ll never fully understand Him, but when we trust Him with all our hearts and put our trust in Him, He will deliver what He has promised to us by faith according to His will.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says:
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

So why all the fuss? Why can’t we just live our life with faith? Just like every new believer, I had a lot of spiritual questions that I would ask God as I prayed,“O Lord, help me to overcome my doubts. I really want to know you a little bit more.” One of the questions I had was regarding the existence of the Trinity. I was determined to find out the answer to this big and bold question. God expects lots of questions from new believers and even from those who don’t yet believe. I’ve received answers to some of my questions, but some I haven’t. And I may have to wait for heaven to have the answer to other questions.
Yet God was teaching me to live by faith, not by sight. I must remind you that this was all happening in the very beginning of my faith journey.

I grew up knowing God as spirit and light, and as a new Christian, I was now trying to comprehend the meaning of the reality that God is three in one – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As I continued with my research through different studies and other biblical sources, I gained some knowledge of this concept. It took time, but everything came together one by one, and it all began to make sense.

The first question: Why is God is called the Father? And how can He have a son? God is light and in Him there is no darkness. He is also spirit. This made sense to me. But wait! Can we really call Him “Our Father?” Weren’t we created by Him and for Him? Isn’t He the one who provides all of our needs? Isn’t He the One who lovingly gives us free will? Let’s not confuse Him with our earthly father, as He is greater than that. He is our Heavenly Father! Because of His unconditional love for His children, He has provided a way that He can have a relationship with His children. That is why He sent someone to make a straight path, a bridge between us and Himself.

Just as God desires to have a close bond with His children, He gave us the desire to have that kind of tight bond with our children and vise versa. Our children like to have an affectionate relationship with us because we are made in His image. So how can we have that kind of relationship with Almighty God? He is Holy and pure light. And we’re all sinful, we need someone who can be without sin, pure, and anointed to communicate with God on our behalf.

Our sinful nature and our need for a savior reminded me one of a friend’s story. With her permission, I’m going to tell you her story.

Once she had conversation with a man on the subject of how human being’s sinful nature and selfish desire cause a lot of pain in the world. The person she was conversing with claimed that not all people are sinful. At the end of their discussion my friend told him, “We’re all sinful by falling short in our daily lives. May God have a mercy on all of us.” After she finished, he murmured under his tongue, “Speak for yourself.” In other words, he was implying that he and his family are without sin. Really?!!! At this point, I’m thinking, “Ouch – does he not know that self-righteousness is also a sin?””The Bible says in 1 John 1:8 | NIV
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” The man was deceiving himself. The truth wasn’t in him.
Rick Warren said: “Sin is when we play god. To stop defeating yourself you most stop deceiving yourself.”
May we never be so foolish to think of ourselves in this way! By pretending to be without sin, we commit sin. Let’s not ever live in denial of our ability to sin. We’re all sinners in need of a savior, and may God our Heavenly Father have mercy on us.

Next, let’s see who can save us from our sin, thereby allowing us to have a relationship with God Almighty.

After God graciously revealed His authority as a Father to me, I’m completely content with His guardianship over me as His beloved daughter.
Matthew 6:8 | NIV
“Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Stay tuned for part two – How can God be three in one and why is Jesus called the Son of God?